Netflix Movies and TV Shows

Join us on a deep dive into the world of Netflix movies and TV shows. Armed with a massive dataset, we’ll dissect titles, directors, release years, ratings, and more to unlock fascinating insights about the streaming giant’s content library. For further details, please refer to the GitHub repository linked here.
Analyzing Netflix Movies and TV Shows
Welcome to our analysis of Netflix movies and TV shows! In this project, we dive into a dataset containing a wealth of information about the content available on Netflix. From titles and directors to release years and ratings, we explore various aspects of the Netflix catalog.
Analysis Process
Step 1: Data Understanding and Exploration
- Loading the Dataset: We started by loading the dataset into our preferred data analysis environment.
- Exploring the Data: We took a closer look at the structure and content of the dataset to understand its features.
- Handling Missing Values: We identified missing values and decided on strategies to address them.
Step 2: Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
- Addressing Inconsistencies: We cleaned the data by addressing inconsistencies and errors, ensuring data quality.
- Converting Data Formats: We converted date and duration columns to the appropriate format for analysis.
Step 3: Statistical Analysis
- Distribution of Content: We examined the distribution of movies and TV shows in the dataset.
- Temporal Trends: We analyzed the distribution of release years to understand how content availability has evolved over time.
- Top Producing Countries: We investigated the distribution of content across different countries and identified the top producing countries.
- Content Ratings and Durations: We explored the distribution of content ratings and durations to understand audience preferences.
Challenges Faced
- Handling Missing Values: Dealing with missing values required careful consideration and decision-making.
- Data Formatting: Converting data formats presented challenges due to inconsistencies in the dataset.
- Netflix offers a diverse range of content, catering to various tastes and preferences.
- Content availability on Netflix has increased over the years, reflecting the platform’s growth.
- The United States emerges as the top producing country of Netflix content, followed by other countries such as India and the United Kingdom.
- Content on Netflix spans a wide range of ratings and durations, providing options for diverse audiences.
Future Steps
- Further Analysis: We plan to explore additional aspects of the dataset, such as content genres, directors, or actors.
- Machine Learning Models: Developing machine learning models to predict user preferences or recommend content based on individual tastes is on our agenda.
- Name: Mohammed Mebarek Mecheter
- Email:
- GitHub: Mohammed Mebarek Mecheter
Feel free to contact me for any questions or additional information about this project.