Maryland Crime Data Analysis

This project is designed to assist Maryland’s Department of Public Safety in analyzing crime trends, patterns, and potential hotspots. Check it out on GitHub Here
SafeMaryland: Maryland Crime Data Analysis (1975-2020)
Welcome to the SafeMaryland repository. This project focuses on analyzing historical crime data in Maryland from 1975 to 2020. The goal is to identify trends, patterns, and hotspots to inform strategic planning for crime reduction, aiming to decrease overall crime rates by 10% within the next five years.
Project Features
- Trend Analysis: Evaluate crime rate trends across Maryland over the past decades.
- Crime Distribution: Determine the most common crime types and their distribution changes over time.
- Geographical Analysis: Identify jurisdictions with the highest and lowest crime rates compared to the state average.
- Population Correlation: Investigate the relationship between population size and crime rates in various areas.
- Crime Rate Changes: Highlight the most significant increases or decreases in different types of crimes.
- Crime Hotspots: Locate areas with high crime concentrations for targeted interventions.
Repository Structure
The main file is a Streamlit app.
Streamlit App
Explore our interactive Streamlit app to gain insights and support strategic decision-making for crime reduction in Maryland.
We acknowledge Data in Motion for providing this challenging crime analysis project and the opportunity to showcase data visualization techniques.
Getting Started
To get started with the project, clone the repository and install the required dependencies listed in requirements.txt
Explore the Jupyter notebooks for detailed analysis:
Trend Analysis.ipynb
Crime Distribution.ipynb
Geographical Analysis.ipynb
Population Correlation.ipynb
Crime Rate Changes.ipynb
Crime Hotspots.ipynb
- LinkedIn: Mohammed Mebarek Mecheter
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